PencilDJ12 Fanon Wikia

Princess Apricot is a knock off of Peach. 

Princess Apricot
Princess Apricot
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Height Very, very tall
Status Princess; charcter created by Nontundi
Likes Being treated like a princess, Nontundi
Dislikes Mario, Peach, Nintendo characters, non royalty


Apricot was created by Kario to be his love interest. She was initially voiced by him, but later voiced by his sister. She has a mature and woman-like voice.

Princess Apricot is an obvious rip-off of Peach, but unlike Peach, Apricot is a snobbish and stuck up princess who will insult non royalty and call them "peasants". She is the most level headed thinker of the group and the most focused on her mission in the Nontundi comic.

She plays the role of damsel in distress in Nontundi's games. She doesn't actually like Kario but pretends to when making games, because she is devoted to her job. She is also mean spirited and once posed as Peach in order to break her and Mario up, just because she wanted the originals to be unhappy.
